Supply a team key or vector of team keys to return standings data.
This function is best use with y_teams to supply a vector to team keys from a league.
It seems you should be able to supply a league key to this function but for some reason the request returns
a bunch of team stats data and I wanted to keep that in the `y_team_stats()` function.
y_standings(team_key = NULL, token_name = NULL, debug = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)
- team_key
A vector of team keys as a string in the form 000.l.0000.t.0".
- token_name
Name used for assignment when creating token object with `y_create_token()`.
- debug
Returns a list of data such as uri call and content. Useful for debugging.
- quiet
Print function activity.
This function does not return individual category win data form H2H leagues.