Yahoo drafts are accompanied by ADP's and this function returns them.
Values return include average_pick, average_round, average_cost and percent drafted.
y_draft_adp(key = NULL, token_name = NULL, debug = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)
- key
A vector of game, league or player keys.
- token_name
Name used for assignment when creating token object with y_create_token().
- debug
Returns a list of data such as uri call and content. Useful for debugging.
- quiet
Suppress function print calls.
The return from this function is similar to `y_player_slate()` but returns the ADP's as additional columns.
Function accepts a single game key, a single league key or a vector of player keys.
Function is memoised.
# Not Run
# y_draft_adp(key = "411", token_name = my_token, debug = FALSE)
# y_draft_adp(key = vector_of_player_keys, token_name = my_token, debug = FALSE)